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*Health Psychology

On this page you'll find the resources we recommend for writing and citing assistance after you've found the articles, books and other sources you need.

Choosing a Citation Manager

Citation managers are amazing tools that can do so much for your research process, including:

Organize and save citations/articles.

Create in-text citations.

Share citations/articles with colleagues.

Generate Reference Lists in a wide range of styles.

Here are the citation managers we recommend:

The Cite Button

Most of the Library's eResources can generate a citation for you. Look for the Cite Button or other Citation Tools in these locations:

  • In the menu to the right of an article/abstract.
  • At the top of the results list.
  • Under each citation in the results list.
  • At the bottom of an article/abstract page.

These aren't citation managers, but they're useful tools for creating citations. Remember though, no citation generator is 100% accurate. Please double-check your citations against the handbook to be sure they're right!

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