On this page you'll find databases, books, web resources, and other resources we recommend to find information on Pharmacy. We have organized the resources on this page by type. Depending on your specific project, you may find some resources more useful than others.
Access Medicine is an innovative online resource that provides access to more than 75 medical titles such as Harrison's Online and Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, images and videos, interactive self-assessment, case files, diagnostic tools, and an integrated drug database. Free to MCPHS users the ability to view from and download content to a mobile device.
Faculty members: Create a free MyAccess account and follow the instructions on the For Instructors tab to access additional materials.
AccessPharmacy from McGraw-Hill Medical is an online curricular resource designed to meet the changing demands of pharmacy education. It allows students to select a core curriculum topic, browse by organ system, review more than 30 core textbooks. It includes calculators, video, case studies, care plans, self-assessment, and NAPLEX review. Free to MCPHS users search and view context on a mobile device.
Faculty members: Create a free MyAccess account and follow the instructions on the For Instructors tab to access additional materials.
Through MCPHS. STAT!Ref, the premier healthcare e-resource, enables users to intuitively cross-search full-text titles, journals and evidence-based point-of-care authoritative resources. STAT!Ref provides the latest healthcare information in a customizable and convenient format. [Free to MCPHS users, download the mobile app to your mobile device.] *7 simultaneous users to many books but 2 simultaneous users to many other books. A handful of highly used books have either 10 simultaneous users or unlimited simultaneous users.
Find pharmacy-specific eBooks and interactive case files. Review for the NAPLEX. Access active learning exercises.
Faculty members: Instructors also receive access to answer keys and supplemental materials. Created by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). Sign up for instructor access to access the instructor versions of the cases on the Active Learning Exercises tab and the Faculty Materials section on the Pharmacotherapy First tab.
Collections of core eBooks, including textbooks. Videos and self assessment options are also available. Create a free personal account to access the quizzes and other special features.
Faculty members: Some titles include image banks, slidesets, activities, and other materials for instructors. The types of instructor materials vary from book to book. Contact EnterpriseSupport@WoltersKluwer.com from your MCPHS email address to request access to those materials. Tell them your first name, last name, and MCPHS email address.
PubMed includes Medline. You do not need to search both PubMed and Medline (via Ovid).
Provided by the National Library of Medicine, this free database includes access to Medline, citations to other life sciences journals not indexed in Medline (primarily general sciences and chemistry), and links to the molecular biology databases maintained by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Read free articles. Use Get Full Text (MCPHS) for articles that are not free.
Embase (the Excerpta Medica database) is known for its extensive coverage of drug and biomedical literature; selective coverage of dentistry, nursing, veterinary medicine, and psychology; emphasis on Evidence Based Medicine; medical devices. Most Medline records produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) are included, as well over 5 million records not covered on Medline.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature with more than 20,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers. Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and arts and humanities. Limited full-text available.
ScienceDirect has thousands of journals and books on a range of science topics. MCPHS has access to the majority of the journals and some of the books. You can find information about health sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics, and more. You can also find some content about humanities and social sciences.
Comprehensive drug information. Provides evidence-based reference for clinical, drug, disease, toxicology and patient education. Includes access to medical calculators, Care Notes, and Red Book. Used in health-related curriculum : Pharmacy, Nursing, Medical, and Allied Health. [Free to MCPHS users access through a mobile device.] Our license is for academic use only; Micromedex is not to be used for actual patient care. Only current MCPHS users may use Micromedex.
Micromedex includes: •AAPCC Codes in POISINDEX® •Alternative Medicine Information •CareNotes® Patient Education Information •Detailed Drug Information for the Consumer — Drug Monographs & Patient Counseling Guidelines (formerly USP DI Vol. 2) •DISEASEDEX™ Emergency Medicine •DISEASEDEX™ General Medicine •DRUGDEX™ — Drug Evaluation Monographs & "Drug Points" ("Drug Points" — formerly USP DI Vol. 1) •Drug Interaction Checking •Imprint Codes in Identidex® — Tablet & Capsule Identification •Index Nominum — International Drugs •IV Compatibility •Lab Advisor™ — Lab Test Information •MARTINDALE: The Complete Drug Reference — International Drug Information •NeoFax — Neonatal Drug Information •POISINDEX® — Toxicity Information •P&T QUIK® Reports •RED BOOK Online® •TOMES® System — Toxicology and Occupational & Environmental MCPHS users can download mobileMicromedex to their mobile device from this site. [Free to MCPHS users you can download mobileMICROMEDEX to your mobile device.]
Access to monographs for all U.S. prescription drugs, herbal and nutritional supplements, over the counter products, new and investigational drugs, and patient education information (in English and Spanish). This site will automatically adjust to fit your screen.
Now known as UptoDate® LexiDrug™ [Note: It is not the same as the full UpToDate product]. A collection of databases and modules. Includes: adult and pediatric, drug ID, toxicology, patient information, calculators, international drugs, I.V. compatibility, diseases, etc.
Log out, switch browsers, or clear your browser's cache before switching to Lexicomp Online for Dentistry
Combines the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF). The USP-NF contains the pharmacopeial standards for medicines, dosage forms, drug substances, excipients, medical devices, and dietary supplements. You will need to create a free "Access Point" account (using your MCPHS email address) to use USP-NF. *1,000 simultaneous users School of Pharmacy only.
Information on herbs and Integrative Medicine. Developed by international collaborators from highly regarded academic institutions to provide quality information that has been validated and peer reviewed. Formed from the merger between the former Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database site and the former Natural Standard database.
Find quick overviews of different conditions in this evidence-based point-of-care clinical decision support system and reference tool. Summaries include drug information from Micromedex and images. The site automatically adjusts to fit your screen size. You can also download the "Free to MCPHS users" app.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of three databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and tool you can use to get quick answers to clinical questions. Includes: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) – Cochrane Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) – Clinical Trials, Epistemonikos - "Other Reviews," Clinical Answers. You can also find Cochrane systematic reviews while searching PubMed.
ACP Journal Club helps you stay current with the latest evidence-based clinical information relevant to internal medicine and its subspecialties. The content is carefully selected from over 100 clinical journals and the articles are summarized in value-added abstracts and commented on by clinical experts.
Full text available from 2000-2008 directly on this site. Articles published after 2008 are are part of Annals of Internal Medicine.