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Images: Citing Your Image

Lists of places to find images you can use in your classes and projects.

Why do we cite?

  • To avoid plagiarism
  • To give credit to those you are quoting, summarizing or paraphrasing. 
  • To allow others to find the sources you used. 
  • To provide evidence for your arguments.
  • To engage in written conversations with other authors.
  • It's the right thing to do! Think about a paper or project, even something personal like poetry or fan fiction that you spent a lot of time and effort on. How would it feel to have someone else receive credit (and possibly reimbursement!) for your ideas?

AMA Citation Example

If using an image from a Web site. Enter the word [image] in square brackets after the document title.

     Eye health center: picture of the eyes [image]. WebMD Web
     Accessed February 2, 2019.

Online Citation Style Guides

Citation styles provide guidelines for giving credit to sources you used.  You need to intepret them for your situation.  Images can be tricky.  The websites listed below can help you.  Sometimes, these sites give different intepretations.  Check with your professor or the group in charge to see if he/she/they have a preference which one you use. 

See section 1, chapter 4.2.9 Figures Reproduced or Adapted from Other Sources. Also read section 1 chapters 5.6.7 Copying, Reproducing, Adapting, and Other Uses of Content and 5.6.8 Ethical and Legal Considerations, Intellectual Property: Ownership, Access, Rights, and Management, Copyright Assignment, or License.

Chapter 3 References has general citation information.

For MLA: Use the creator as the author and follow normal in-text citation practices. Fill in as much information as you can using the new general format guidelines for your Works Cited page.

For APA: Use the creator as the author and follow normal in-text citation practices. Use Reference List information for Graphic Data (e.g. Interactive Maps and Other Graphic Representations of Data) or for Online Lecture Notes and Presentation Slides on the Electronic Resources tab, for Photograph (not associated with a museum) on the Audovisual Media tab, or for another format as appropriate.

For Chicago: Use Online Multimedia on the Web Sources tab or another format as appropriate.

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