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*Physical Therapy

LibGuide created to help students and faculty in the School of Physical Therapy.

What's On This Page?

On this page you'll find databases, books, web resources, and other resources we recommend to find information on physical therapy.  We have organized the resources on this page by PTH course number.  Depending on your specific project, you may find some resources more useful than others. 

Multiple Book Sources

PTH 520 Clinical Medicine & Pathology

PTH 540 & PTH 545 Evidence for PT Practice

PTH 560 Standardized Measurement in PT Practice

Get Your Source

Looking for the full text?  Either of the following symbols will take you to the full text of your item:

PDFor  Get Full Text (MCPHS)

If the item you want is not available directly from MCPHS:

  • Check to see if the item is freely available online. Use the links in the "Try to get a free / open access version" section.
  • Is the item you are searching for not in our collections and not freely available online?  Book chapters and articles not available from MCPHS’ print and digital collections can often be obtained from other libraries via our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. Requests for Interlibrary Loans can be made by submitting this form, or by accessing the “Get Full Text” links from citations available from our databases. This service is provided for MCPHS faculty, staff, and students only. 
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