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Welcome to the Chemistry LibGuide! This guide was created to support your Chemistry research and classwork, serving as a quick resource for finding articles, books, and chemistry web tools.
On this page you'll find the resources we recommend for writing and citing assistance after you've found the articles, books and other sources you need.

Online Citation Style Guides

Choosing a Citation Manager

Citation managers are amazing tools that can do so much for your research process, including:

Organize and save citations/articles.

Create in-text citations.

Share citations/articles with colleagues.

Generate Reference Lists in a wide range of styles.

Here is the citation manager we recommend:

Quick Citation Generator

To use Zbib to generate citations in ACS style:
1) enter information about your source.
2) click on the blue bar below "Bibliography"
3) click on "10,000+ other styles available..."
4) type American Chemical Society in the search box
5) Click the Add button. Your citation will be reformatted to approximate ACS style.
6) Important! Check to make sure that the format is correct.

  • Citations to websites often need adjustments
  • If the journal you are citing is not a traditional Chemistry journal, (for example, Journal of Alzheimers' Disease), check the CAS Source Index to see if there is a CASSI abbreviation for your journal title.  If there is not an official CASSI abbreviation for the journal you are citing, include the full journal title in your citation, like this:

del Valle, E.; Navarro, A.; Martínez-Pinilla, E.; Torices, S.; Tolivia, J. Apo J and Apo D: Complementary or Antagonistic Roles in Alzheimer’s Disease? Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2016, 53 (2), 639–650.

The Cite Button

Most of the Library's eResources can generate a citation for you. Look for the Cite Button or other Citation Tools in these locations:

  • In the menu to the right of an article/abstract.
  • At the top of the results list.
  • Under each citation in the results list.
  • At the bottom of an article/abstract page.

Other Citation Tools

These aren't citation managers, but they're useful tools for creating citations. Remember though, no citation generator is 100% accurate. Please double-check your citations against the handbook to be sure they're right!

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