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Public Health Law

Resources for researching legal topics related to public health.
On this page you'll find the tips for finding and understanding court cases.

Legal Cases

Find a Case in Google Scholar

While Nexus Uni (known to lawyers as Lexis) is one of the official ways to find cases, Google Scholar has some nice features for case research and may be used for this course. 

When you are in Google Scholar click on the Case law button.

Radio button for "Case law."

Then click on the Select Courts link.

Select Courts link.

Choose the court you want.

Check boxes for types of courts in specific areas.

You can select state and/or federal courts. Under federal courts you can select the Circuit Court of Appeals and/or the District Court as well as the Supreme Court and specialized courts.

Click "Done."

You can now type in a topic in the search box and find cases.

Links to cases on the topic "flood" in circuit court for MD Pennsylvania.

Use the "cited by" link on the results page to find other cases related to the one you chose. OR, click on a specific result and then click "How Cited" to see related cases.

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Shepardize a Case

Have a citation for a specific legal case? Shepardize it to find the current status of that case, related cases, and newer cases that cite that case. Always Shepardize your case to find the most current version of it.


Look up the case in Nexis Uni and click the "Shepardize this document" link.

Shepardize ® this document link

Or, type shep: and the citation into the search box

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