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Where to Publish: A Guide for Faculty

This guide provides information and tools for MCPHS Faculty who are trying to decide where and how to share the results of their research projects.

What's on This Page and How Does It Help Me?

Databases usually tell you the titles they cover. Use those lists to identify publications and check if publications will be easy for your audience to find.

This page has tips for several example databases:

PubMed's Journals

PubMed is one of the most common databases for health topics. It will be easy for people to find your article if you publish in one of the journals it includes.

You can identify some potential journals by searching for articles similar to the article you want to write. The citation information will tell you which journals publish that kind of article.

To check if PubMed includes a specific journal:

  1. Go to PubMed.
  2. Find the Explore section on the homepage.
  3. Use the Journals link to get a search box you can use to identify journals. Journals link in PubMed
  4. Find the journal(s) you want.
    1. Use the search box to check for a specific journal or a set of journals on a topic. search box labelled: Enter topic, journal title or abbreviation, or ISSN.
    2. Or, use the "indexed in MEDLINE" and "deposited in PMC" links to browse lists of journals. Links to browsable journal lists
      1. Journals indexed in MEDLINE are journals that National Library of Medicine (NLM) has selected after evaluating the journal's quality and content. The NLM"s systems and staff members add subject headings to the articles in these journals to make them easier to find.
      2. Journals currently deposited in PMC have free or open access content. Their publishers apply to be included in PubMed Central (PMC). They go through a different evaluation process . PubMed only provides basic information about these articles, such as their titles and abstracts. 
        1. Researchers who have get federal grant money and publisher their research in other journals may also deposit their articles in PubMed Central. Those articles do not go through this evaluation process.
  5. If you get a list of journals, click the title to get more details, including whether it is indexed in Medline or not. If only one journal matches, you will go directly to the details. publication details, such as Author(s), NLM title abbreviation, Title(s), Absorbed, Other Title(s), and more.
  6. To explore the kinds of articles the journal publishes, use the "Add to Search Builder" and the "Search PubMed" buttons.PubMed Search Builder

Embase's Journals

Embase is another database that is useful for most health topics. MCPHS accesses Embase on Ovid's platform.

  1. Select Embase from the list of databases that MCPHS gets from Ovid.
  2. Go to the Search Fields tab, which is under the Search History section. Tabs labelled Advanced Search, Basic Search, Find Citation, Search Tools, and Search Fields.ent
  3. Go to the entry for jn: Journal Name. (Hint: Use CTRL+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac to find it on the page.)select box and link for jn: Journal Name
  4. Click on the info button that displays when you move your mouse over that field. View Index infobutton for the jn: Journal Name field
  5. Browse the index to identify relevant journals OR use the letter tabs or search box to jump to a specific point in the index.Alphabetical list of journals indexed in Embase. Search box labelled Enter a new start term.
  6. Select the journal(s) you want and use the SEARCH FOR SELECTED TERMS button to explore the articles published in your selection. The number after the journal title tells you how many articles in that journal are indexed in Embase.SEARCH FOR SELECTED TERMS button and select boxes for each of the indexed journals

CINAHL's Publications

CINAHL specializes in nursing topics and includes articles related to other health disciplines, such as dental hygiene.

To check if CINAHL indexes a specific publication:

  1. Go to CINAHL.
  2. Find the Publications tab, which is underneath the search box section.Tabs for Filters, Search, Options, and Publications
  3. Browse the list on that tab OR use the Publications Search box to find relevant titles. Search box to search for publications in CINAHL with Full Text - Publications. Alphabetical list of titles.
  4. Click on the title of a specific publication to get more details.Peer-review status, publication type, title, description, and other details.
  5. Use the search box or the list of issues to get a sense of the types of articles the journal publishes. Search box to search within this publication. List of All issues & articles, organized by year.

PsycINFO's Journals

APA PsycINFO specialized in psychology topics. MCPHS accesses APA PsycINFO on Ovid's platform.

To check the publications that PsycINFO indexes:

  1. Choose the version of APA PsycINFO you want from the menu of databases MCPHS gets from Ovid.
  2. Go to the Search Fields tab, which is under the Search History section. Tabs labelled Advanced Search, Basic Search, Find Citation, Search Tools, and Search Fields.
  3. Go to the entry for jn: Journal Name. (Hint: Use CTRL+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac to search for it on the page.) select box and link for jn: Journal Name
  4. Click on the info button that displays when you move your mouse over that field. View Index infobutton for the jn: Journal Name field.
  5. Browse the index to identify relevant journals OR use the letter tabs or search box to jump to a specific point in the index.List of journals indexed in PsycINFO.
  6. Select the journal(s) you want and use the SEARCH FOR SELECTED TERMS button to explore the articles published in your selection. The number after the journal title tells you how many articles in that journal are indexed in APA PsycINFO.Search for Selected Terms button and select boxes for specific journals.

ERIC's Publications

  1. Go to ERIC.
  2. Use the Journals and Non-Journals links at the bottom of the page to get your lists. footer links include options for Journals and Non-Journals
  3. Decide if you want just a list or if you want a list, broken down by subject area. Links for a PDF of all titles or subjects. Unfortunately, they do not use descriptive link text.
  4. Find a title you want in the PDF you downloaded.
  5. Click its title to get all articles in ERIC from that publication.

(Gale) Academic OneFile's Publications

  1. Go to Academic OneFile
  2. Go to the Publication Search tabPublication Search is the third tab
  3. Use List All Publications for a browseable list of titles OR use the search box to find titles that include the word(s) you search. Link labelled List All Publications and a search box
  4. (Optional) Use filters and limits to narrow the results list by subject, format, audience, or other categories.Options to FILTER YOUR RESULTS or LIMIT SEARCH BY
  5. To get more details about a publication, click it's title.Details page for a specific record. Includes information such as the dates indexed, the title, the format, the peer-review status, the subjects, the description, and the publisher.
  6. Explore the kinds of articles this publication uses.
    1. Use the Search within publication box to find articles about a specific topic. Search box for this specific publication and a Submit button.
    2. Use the year dropdown menu and the list of issues or dates for that publication to browse.  Select publication year menu and a list of corresponding issues
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