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Involving Students
How do we involve students positively in both the regional and programmatic accreditation processes?
Ways to provide information to students
- Invite a student(s) to a faculty meeting periodically.
- Include the college and program mission on orientation materials.
- To do something different and fun for the provision of information that would appeal to our two majority generations at campus: millennials and baby boomers. (Interactive presentations to gain knowledge about the institution, quizzes with prizes, answers to the questionnaires on a regular basis, participation in focus groups).
- Having campus accreditation ambassadors to inform other students about the process.
Get students involved in governance – and the actual accreditation process
- Invite current students or alumni to serve on your community advisory board.
- Ask students to serve as consultants on college initiatives (e.g., diversity project).
- Involve students in the mock site visit.
- Students can serve as guides for the accreditation survey team campus tours, which provides an opportunity for informal discussions about the program.
- Students can be included on the self-study task force and on any subcommittees where they can provide meaningful inputs reviewing accreditation standards and elements related to the educational program, medical students, and educational and clinical facilities.
- A student group should review the results of the most recent Graduation Questionnaires to identify and monitor past challenges.
- Visit classes in the program to discuss data collected and programmatic/curricular changes (e.g., intro course, midway course and final course).
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