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Accreditation Resources

Sample Documents for the Work Room

Note: The list below is meant to be illustrative. While no institution will have all the listed documents, each institution will have many of these and may also have unique data to help support the self-study and provide useful information for the visiting team. For a print-friendly version, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click print

List last revised June 2016.

Standard/Supporting Documentation

Jump to: Standard 1 | Standard 2 | Standard 3 | Standard 4 | Standard 5 | Standard 6 | Standard 7 | Standard 8 | Standard 9

Standard 1: Mission and Purpose Other Standards
Current institutional mission statement 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
Mission statements of colleges, departments, divisions 2, 4
Charter 3
Trustee approval of mission statement 3
Vision statement 2, 4
Reports of trustee, faculty committees reviewing mission 2
Report of a periodic review of the mission 2
Standard 2: Planning and Evaluation Other Standards

Strategic Plan

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Internal or external review of the plan

1, 4, 7, 8

Related plans: e.g., financial, academic, development, technology, facilities, student services

4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Plans of individual departments and units


Minutes of planning councils, board planning committees


Reports reviewing implementation/effectiveness of prior plans


Institutional factbook

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Program reviews of academic and non-academic units

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Specialized accreditation self studies, team reports, decisions

4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Student course and teaching evaluation forms and reports

4, 6

IPEDS common data

4, 7, 8

HEDS or other consortium peer institution data

4, 7, 8

NSSE or other student survey

1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Internal audit

7, 9

Department or program cost/productivity studies

4, 6, 7

Cooperative Institutional Research Program data

4, 5, 6

Placement studies of graduates

4, 8, 9

Evaluation of recent institutional initiatives


Special institutional studies (e.g. prelaw advising, alumni accomplishments, student IT proficiency, AHANA programs)


Impact study (e.g. of endowment, community service, financial aid)

4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Standard 3: Organization and Governance Other Standards

Trustee by-laws

Governing Board  

Board membership and affiliation


Trustee minutes

1, 2, 4, 7

Trustee committees (e.g., academic, budget) and minutes

2, 4, 7, 9

Documentation of board development activities


Policy on board evaluation of the CEO


Board goals and self-evaluation

1, 2, 7
Internal Governance  

College or University Manual


Faculty handbook

4, 6, 9

Employee handbook


Institutional policy and procedures manual

2, 4, 7, 9

Integration of online and off-campus faculty and students into governance structures

4, 5, 6

Policy on faculty role in programs offered at other campuses, internationally, or through distance learning

4, 6

Membership and roles of advisory committees, institutional standing and ad hoc committees

1, 9

Senate or council charter, membership, minutes

2, 4, 6

Job descriptions for principal administrators

2, 7
Standard 4: The Academic Program Other Standards
Assuring Academic Quality  

Catalogues: undergraduate, graduate, summer, continuing education, overseas, branch campus, online programs

5, 9

Schedule of program review and specialized accreditations


Sample program review documents


List of new programs since last review


List of program deletions since last review


List of major program revisions since last review


Contracts from contractual relationships involving degree and certificate programs

3, 6

List of conferences, institutes and workshops sponsored

1, 7

Studies of rigor/student learning outcomes for various locations, program levels, and modalities of instruction

2, 8

Policy on satisfactory academic progress


Policy on Credit Hour Rule


Robust collection of syllabi: All programs, locations, modalities

2, 8
Undergraduate Education  

Statement of institutional definition of an educated person


Core curriculum or general education program

2, 8

Results of most review program review of general education

2, 8

Studies of student learning outcomes in general education


Feedback studies from students on their undergraduate experience

2, 5, 7, 8

Data on special opportunities for students (e.g., study abroad, internships, research awards, honors): requirements, participation rates, satisfaction, learning outcomes

2, 8, 9

Studies of program impact in special areas (e.g., diversity, service)

2, 5, 7, 8, 9

Program reviews of undergraduate programs

2, 8
Graduate Education  

Reports of graduate students' qualifications at admissions


Graduate student manual


Graduate faculty manual


List of thesis and dissertation completions


List of field and clinical placement sites


Scholarships, fellowships, and research support awards

7, 8

Studies of retention and graduate rates

2, 8, 9

Placement studies of graduates

2, 8, 9

Program reviews of graduate programs

2, 8
Integrity in the Award of Academic Credit  

Policies regarding academic integrity and studies of how it is applied in various departments


Policy on evaluation of transfer credit


Policy on student grading


Graduation degree audit procedures


Contractual relationships involving academic credit

3, 5, 9

Policies related to course credits


Charter, composition, minutes of committees overseeing credit courses

3, 9

Policies on award of credit for prior experience and non-collegiate work

6, 8, 9

Policies on satisfactory academic progress and results

6, 8, 9

Organizational charts demonstrating academic oversight of all work for credit


Reports of academic and support services available to students not at institution's main campus (including distance and correspondence learning)

6, 9
Standard 5: Students and Co-Curricular Experiences Other Standards

Admissions forms (all levels, all locations)


Admissions policy statements


Admissions goals and recruitment plans and budgets


Admissions annual reports


Policy on Verification of Student Identity


Policy on academic sanctions

4, 9
Student Services  

Student Services Annual reports, past 5 years


Reports on how students are served at branch campuses, other instructional locations, campuses abroad, and online

4, 8

Financial aid policy


Studies of the impact of financial aid on the composition of the student body, admissions, retention, and other salient variables

2, 8, 9

Training manual for residence hall assistance


Resources for commuter students

8, 9

Studies of student satisfaction with campus resources

2, 4, 7, 8

Orientation programs for: freshman and transfer students, students on other campuses and locations, students on campuses abroad, students studying at a distance, graduate students

4, 7, 8

Studies of student participation in out-of-class activities, including athletics, recreation, arts, cultural activities, etc.

1, 2, 4, 8, 9

Policy on student records

Standard 6: Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Other Standards

Faculty CVs by department (full-time and continuing part-time)


Faculty employment contract

7, 9

Promotion and tenure criteria and process


Faculty hiring plans, overall and by academic unit


Statement of diversity goals


Procedures for appointment of new faculty

7, 9

Office of faculty development: annual report


List of faculty development funds and awards


List of teaching support workshops for part-time and adjunct faculty

4, 7

Policy on faculty workload and assignment

1, 4
Teaching and Advising  

Policies on academic advising

5, 9

Studies of the effectiveness of advising

5, 9

Manual for teaching assistants


Documentation of centers, programs to support teaching

5, 7

Documentation of faculty/student role in academic integrity

4, 9
Scholarship and Research  

Institutional policies on scholarship and role of research for faculty

1, 4

Policies on academic freedom

4, 9

Annual report on research productivity and external funding

1, 4, 7, 8, 9
Standard 7: Institutional Resources Other Standards
Human Resources  

Policies and procedures related to human resources

2, 4

Procedures related to the review of human resource policies

Financial Resources  

Budget development policy and procedures


Budget requests, by unit

4, 5, 6

Budget allocations, by unit

2, 4, 5, 6

Capital budget plan

2, 4, 5, 6

Minutes of board financial committee


Review of new initiatives with financial implications

1, 2, 3, 4

Crosswalk between budget and other plans (strategic, academic...)

2, 4, 5

Policy on risk management

3, 9

Endowment spending policy


Investment policy


Cost/revenue studies by location, program, mission element

2, 4

Audits, institutional foundation


Plans for debt retirement

Information, Physical, and Technological Resources  

Inventory of space (by campus location)


Master plan for space

4, 5

Rental agreements for instructional space (all locations)

4, 5

Capital budget plan

2, 4, 5

Report of classroom/technology space


Policies for system reliability, integrity and security of data

4, 9

Policies on individual privacy


Space allocation policy

4, 5

Studies of matching academic programs with space allocation

2, 4

Inspections of campus safety of instructional, residential, administrative, and research space


Insurance policies


Prioritized list of unmet space needs

2, 4, 5

Deferred maintenance list

2, 4, 5

Plan for addressing deferred maintenance


Security plan for academic, administrative, residential space


Reports from committees on space and facilities


Library budget, past 5 years


Collection development plan

2, 4, 8

List of databases and electronically available resources

4, 8

Copies of agreements with consortia or other libraries

4, 8

Library annual report/Usage statistics

2, 4

Schedules and guides for faculty and students training on libraries

4, 8

Statement of information literacy as student learning outcomes

4, 8

Comparison of collections, access, and use with peer institutions

2, 4, 8

Consultant reports on library collections, access, and services

2, 4, 8

Student surveys of library collections, access, and services

2, 4, 8

Faculty surveys of library collections, access, and services

2, 4, 6, 8

Studies of student information literacy

2, 4, 8

List of departmental liaisons to the library; reports of involvement


Report of the faculty library committee


Reports of library services for students studying at a distance

4, 8

Technology plan (institutional and/or by unit)

2, 4

Policy on support for faculty, students, classes, management

4, 5, 6

Programs of training for faculty, students, staff on technology

4, 5, 6, 8

Budget requests and funded budgets for technology by year


Technology committee reports

2, 4, 5

Reports or statements on how technology supports learning

4, 8

Statistic on usage of technology by unit, in classes, elsewhere

2, 4, 8

Reports on technology to support management information 


Surveys of student, faculty, and staff satisfaction

2, 4, 6

TLT Roundtable Minutes and reports


Evaluations of management information systems

2, 4, 5

Comparisons with peer institutions

Standard 8: Educational Effectiveness Other Standards
Assessment of Student Learning  

Studies of student learning in general education

1, 2, 4

Reports of student learning outcomes, by program

2, 4

Reports of student learning in areas such as service learning, information literacy, study abroad, leadership

1, 2, 4

Assessment Plans


Licensure pass rates


Summaries of employment information and/or pursuit of higher degree for recent graduates


Transcript analyses


Internship evaluations by supervisors


Student satisfaction surveys

2, 5

Studies of how students are learning at the institution 

2, 5, 6

Documentation of support for assessment (e.g., Teaching/Learning Center, faculty development, small grant support)

2, 6

Retention and graduate studies for special categories of students (e.g., transfer students, AHANA students, students studying at a distance, athletes)

4, 9

Graduation rate studies

2, 9
Standard 9: Integrity, Transparency, Public Disclosure Other Standards
Policies and procedures with information on their dissemination  

Academic honesty

4, 5

Privacy rights


Academic freedom

4, 5

Non-discrimination and affirmative action


Faculty grievances


Employee grievances


Student grievances

(Research policies found in Standard 4)  
Rights and responsibilities of students living in university 6
Information on use and effectiveness of the above policies 2, 8
Documentation of availability of each element listed in Standard 10  
Editorial policy for publications, websites, electronic information  
Catalogues: undergraduate, graduate, summer, continuing  4, 5
Review of website information 1, 4, 5
Recruitment publications 4, 5
Electronic publications: videos, CDs, websites 4, 5
Policy on public access to institutional information 7
Recruitment materials (publications, letters, phone protocols) 5
Notice of availability of institutional information, including audited financial statement 7
Documentation for information in publications regarding student placement rates, program excellence, faculty and student achievement, learning outcomes 4, 8
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