Standard | Input | Process | Outcome |
1. Mission & Purposes | Mission and purposes are stated clearly. (1.1, 1.2) | Community understands mission. (1.4) | Mission is used to inform decisions, make choices. (1.5) |
2. Planning & Evaluation | Planning is broad-based and inclusive. (2.1) | Plans are implemented. (2.4) | Evaluation provides feedback, informs future planning. (2.5, 2.8) |
3. Organization and Governance | Appropriate structures are in place. (3.1) | Communication is effective; appropriate individuals and groups are involved. (3.5, 3.10, 3.13) | Decisions get made in effective and efficient way. (3.17) |
4. The Academic Program |
The academic program is coherent, appropriate to mission. (4.1, 4.3, 4.4) Expectations for student learning reflect the mission of the institution, and the expectations of the larger academic community. (4.12) |
Academic governance and oversight structures are effective for all programs, all locations, all modalities. (4.5) | Results of academic planning and evaluation are used to inform decision related to decision-making and resource allocation. (4.6) |
5. Students | Multiple student bodies are specified and reflect the mission. (5.1, 5.2) | Students are supported in their education. (5.9) | Students achieve out-of-class learning goals. (5.20) |
6. Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship | There are sufficient, qualified faculty and academic staff to fulfill specified roles. (6.2, 6.3) |
Teaching is effective. (6.17) Students receive good academic advising. (6.19) Academic integrity is supported. (6.9) |
Faculty are demonstrably effective in carrying out their assigned responsibilities. (6.10) |
7. Institutional Resources |
Human, financial, information, physical, and technological resources support mission. (7.2, 7.4, 7.21) There are sufficient, qualified staff to carry out the mission of the institution. (7.1) |
Financial planning is realistic and reflects mission. (7.4, 7.6, 7.7, 7.10) Resources are allocated based on systemic analysis of plans and institutional data. (7.14) |
The institution is financially stable. (7.5) The results of planning activities are used to inform decision-making and planning activities. (7.20) |
8. Educational Effectiveness | Measures of student success are defined and assessed in a manner that demonstrates educational effectiveness for all student populations. (8.1, 8.6) | Direct and indirect measures of assessment are systematically evaluated to support verifiable statements related to student success and achievement. (8.3, 8.7) | Assessment results are used to inform planning and resource allocation. (8.10) |
9. Integrity, Transparency, and Public Disclosure |
Policies and procedures are in place and information is readily available. (9.8, 9.12, 9.17) The website and publications provide the specified information. (9.19) |
The institution fosters an inclusive atmosphere. (9.5) The institution periodically reviews its policies and electronic and print publications. (9.2, 9.17) |
Members of the community understand and assume their responsibilities in pursuit of integrity and transparency. (9.1, 9.12) Information is complete, current, accurate, and available. (9.19, 9.20, 9.21, 9.23, 9.24, 9.25) |