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Pharmacy Library Tutorial

Learn how to use the different parts of MCPHS's subscription to Pharmacy Library. This guide includes screenshots as well as text. The guide is separated into separate pages for each of the main sections of MCPHS's subscription.


Click on the "Cases" link either in the PharmacotherapyFirst drop-down menu, or underneath the header on the PharmacotherapyFirst homepage.

PharmacotherapyFirst is the third drop-down menu in the header, after "Browse Books" and "Active Learning Exercises". The options in the menu are "home", "modules", "cases", and "faculty materials". The page shown is the PharmacotherapyFirst homepage, with a header partially covered by the drop-down menu: "PharmacotherapyFirst: Meeting the needs of modern learners. Click for details" and a series of links below: "modules" "cases" "faculty materials" "multimedia" "about".

Browse for cases or use the filters to help you search.  You can filter by title (alphanumeric), disease state categories, author, and publication date.

The left-hand panel shows filter options. Only "alphanumeric" and "disease state categories" are shown in this image.

On the page for each case-based learning article, there is a link to the related module.

"Link to full module" appears hyperlinked underneath the article title, DOI, and author names.

Download a blank worksheet where you can write your own Subjective, Objective, Assessment Plan (SOAP) note. Then compare your SOAP note to the SOAP note written by an expert on this topic.

"SOAP note" is the fourth item in the left-hand navigation bar, after "Link to full module", "Mini-Cases", and "Full Patient Case". Underneath the heading "SOAP note" the text reads, "Please use Patient Case 1 above to create a SOAP note. <hyperlink>CLick here to download and complete a SOAP Note Template.</hyperlink> When you have completed this, you can review <hyperlink>a completed SOAP Note written by a practitioner</hyperlink>, which includes the rationale for the assessment and plan."

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