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Assessing Information Literacy Instruction

Methods librarians can use to assess and improve their teaching.

Student Learning Outcomes

Student learning outcomes describe actionable, measurable goals for what students will be able to do as a result of a learning experience - the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits they will take with them. These intended outcomes are different from the actual outcomes that are measured through a variety of tools including rubrics applied to work and quantitative scores. 

Having student learning outcomes is an essential part of assessing your teaching, because student learning outcomes communicate what you intend to do, and assessment measures what actually happened regarding your teaching and your students' learning. 

Writing Actionable Learning Goals

Action verb plus an answer to "why?" leads to a clear learning goal

Examples of Action Verbs

Bloom's Verb Action Verbs for Student Learning Outcomes
Remember Define, Describe, Locate, Recall, Recite, Describe, Repeat, Identify, Select, Quote, Label, Copy, List, Name, State.
Understand Classify, Describe, Demonstrate, Identify, Indicate, Organize, Interpret, Illustrate, Reorganize, Translate, Paraphrase, Summarize, Transfer, Discuss, Explain.
Apply Calculate, Classify, Construct, Estimate, Illustrate, Interpret, Appraise, Contrast, Criticize, Diagnose, Identify, Solve.
Analyze Combine, Classify, Figure, Find, Modify, Sketch, Solve, Predict, Change, Survey, Compare, Diagram, Examine, Test.
Evaluate Appraise, Argue, Assess, Critique, Defend, Estimate, Judge, Predict, Qualify, Rate, Support, Recommend. 
Create Arrange, Assemble, Construct, Compose, Create, Design, Devise, Develop, Formulate, Invent, Manage, Modify, Organize, Plan, Prepare, Produce, Propose, Setup, Verify.

From Georgia Tech's Office of Academic Effectiveness.

Examples of SLOs

Students will be able to...

  • Recognize that they have an information need and list initial search strategies. 
  • Write accurate citations for sources used, based on the required style.
  • Search within an appropriate subject-specific resource for their information need.
  • Compare study methodologies, selecting those that adhere to best practices in study design in their field.
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