There is great tutorial and instruction content around the Internet, in your textbooks, and other places. The tutorials listed here are recommended, in-depth, and interactive.
About: Video demonstrating the iterative process of refining and connecting keywords, and using filters and other database tools in Smart Search and PubMed.
Format: Video.
Recommended Use: Pair with a research-related assignment.
Licensing: Created at MCPHS, using Camtasia, posted on YouTube.
Reviewed On: Feb 27, 2020
About: Video demonstrating the iterative process of going from a question to usable keywords by iteratively searching Smart Search and PubMed.
Format: Video.
Recommended Use: Pair with a research-related assignment.
Licensing: Created at MCPHS, using Camtasia, posted on YouTube.
Reviewed On: Feb 27, 2020
About: Three options for tutorials on how to connect Google Scholar to the MCPHS Library
Format: A short video and step-by-step directions with screenshots.
Recommended Use: Introduction or refresher on how to integrate Google Scholar into your search process. Useful for all levels.
Licensing: Created at MCPHS.
Reviewed On: August 1, 2018
About: Practice using a title to find a book in the catalog.
Format: Internal, interactive tutorial.
Recommended Use: As an introduction or review of these skills; offered in connection to a library workshop, INF 110, or a research-related assignment.
Licensing: Created at MCPHS, open source tool.
Reviewed On: August 2, 2018
About: Practice reading a citation and using it to search in the MCPHS Smart Search.
Format: Internal, interactive tutorial.
Recommended Use: As an introduction or review of these skills; offered in connection to a library workshop, INF 110, or a research-related assignment.
Licensing: Created at MCPHS, open source tool.
Updated on: August 28, 2024