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Persistent Links from Library Resources

Instructions for creating persistent links from MCPHS Library resources

What is a DOI?

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI), is an ID number for a specific item - like a journal article. It's a shortcut: instead of needing to write out a full citation for an item, you can just use the DOI to keep track of it. Some citation styles include DOIs in article references, and you can search for articles using just the DOI.

Librarian Tip: You'll need to take a couple more steps to get the DOI to connect to the MCPHS collection, otherwise the publisher will try to charge you individually for access. Scroll down for those quick steps!

Getting and Using DOIs

Getting DOIs

You can usually find a DOI at the top of an article, with the title, author and other journal-related information. To use it, copy and paste it to your Blackboard page, or wherever you're saving or sharing articles. Note: you'll want to make sure you've included the proxy info (see below) so that you're using MCPHS subscriptions and publishers don't try to charge you for individual access.

Using DOIs

There are a few ways to use DOIs to get to articles:

  • Click on the DOI (if it's hyperlinked) to go directly to the article
  • Copy and paste it into a database or Internet search box (eg PubMed or Google)
  • Use search box to get directly to the article.

Create a DOI-based Persistent Link

Use this process to take a general DOI and add proxy information so that you save a DOI that includes MCPHS subscription access. Without the MCPHS subscription access, the publisher may try to charge you for access to each article.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Option 1 (proxy + DOI).

  1. Find the article DOI.
  2. Copy and paste it into the MCPHS search box.
  3. Click search.
  4. Save and use the URL for the article - that's your persistent link!

Step-by-Step Instructions for Option 2 (

  1. Find the article DOI.
  2. Copy and past it into .
  3. Click "Find DOI."
  4. Set Choose Your Organization to Get Started to "Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)." Libkey will remember this setting for 24 hours or until you clear your browser's cookies.
  5. Click "Confirm."
  6. Copy the URL from the URL bar and share it with your students.

An Example DOI-based Persistent Link

Option 1 (Proxy + DOI)

You want a persistent link to the article "Regulation of sugar transporter activity for antibacterial defense in Arabidopsis" in Science.

  1. Find the article DOI: 10.1126/science.aah5692 
  2. Copy and paste it into the MCPHS search box. Behind the scenes, the site is creating a link that will redirect to the publisher's site. 
  3. Click "Search."
  4. Save and use the this link: . (That's your persistent link!)

Option 1 (

You want a persistent link to the article "Regulation of sugar transporter activity for antibacterial defense in Arabidopsis" in Science.

  1. Find the article DOI: 10.1126/science.aah5692 
  2. Copy and paste it into .
  3. Click "Find DOI."
  4. If prompted, set Choose Your Organization to Get Started to Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) and click "Confirm."
  5. Save and use the URL in the URL bar: . (That's your persistent link!)

Example DOI-based Persistent Link (with Screenshots)

  1. Find the article DOI
    Article information from a detailed record page in PubMed, with the DOI circled.
  2. Copy and paste it into the MCPHS search box.
    Article DOI in the search box.
  3. Save and use the URL for the article - that's your persistent link!
    Persistent link to an article through an MCPHS subscription, using a DOI.


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