After deciding on a size and getting started with your chosen design program, you will want to think about the basic layout for your poster. On this page you will find information on how to choose headings to best organize your material, how to make good use of space, how keep your written material to the point and easy-to-read, and how to use color to effectively present, but not overwhelm, your message.
Use easy to read fonts for all text: (Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Geneva, Lucida, Palatino, Tahoma, Times Roman). Stay away from Word Art or Script Type fonts.
Guidelines for font size:
(NOTE: These are guidelines! Not Absolutes. The final font size depends on the size of your poster.)
The following video, from American Journal Experts, provides a good overview of how to lay out a research poster:
For more specific help on working with images, move on to the next section, Graphics and Photos.
Useful link