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Course Reserves: Fall 2024-Summer 2025

Welcome! Here you will find course books that the Library was able to purchase as e-books or in print.

Announcements and Alerts

You will not be able to download whole eBooks from EBSCO Ebooks on Sunday, February 9th, from 2AM -5AM (Eastern). The vendor is doing maintenance. All other ways to access books on their platform should still work during the maintenance.

HCM 215 Economics and Financing in Healthcare (J. Goss)

HCM.225 Principles of Marketing (B. Cargill)

HCM.245-A Introduction to Healthcare Business (J. Goss)

HCM.255 Business & Career Communications (TBA)

HCM.285 Digital Healthcare Concepts (B. Bisher)

HCM.300-A U.S. Healthcare Organization & Delivery (S. Zoulas; P. Baron)

HCM.318-A Leadership Development for Healthcare Managers (J. Goss)

HCM 325-A Project Leadership (J. Goss)

HCM.340-A Human Resources (TBA)

HCM.352-O Quality Improvement (B. Bisher)

HCM.360-A Law & Compl for Healthcare Business (J. Goss)

HCM.410-A Supply Chain Management (J.Goss)

HCM.710-O1-O4 Health System: Policy and Management (J. Ball)

HCM.718-O Leadership in Healthcare Administration (R. McCoy)

HCM.730-O1,O2 Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt (J. Ball, J. Moon, J. Andree)

HSC 734-O Value-Based Care (R. McCoy)

HCM.738-O-O2 Revenue Cycle Management (R. Tennian)

HCM.740-O/O2 Managing Teams, Perf, & Hum. Cap. (R. McCoy)

HCM 750F-O/O2 ST: Fundamentals of Doctoral Research (F. Anderson)

HCM.750G-O Human Resource Management for Healthcare Execs (C. Mullikin)

HCM.752-O/O2 Quality Improvement in Healthcare (A. Williams)

HCM.760.O-O5 Appl. Bus. Law & Ethical Pract (K. Urban)

HCM.763-O-O8 Conflict, Crisis,& Comm (D. Fogarty)

HCM.770-O1-O2 Population Hlth & Risk Mgmt (A. Williams)

HCM.788-O Budgeting and Planning in Healthcare (K. Valaitis)

HCM.790B-O Healthcare Marketing for Executives (K. Valaitis)

HCM.790C-O Social Determinants of Health (C. Mullikin)

HCM.790I-O Employee Burnout (C. Maria)

HCM.799-O Orientation Doctoral Studies (C. Mullikin)

HCM.802-O Academic & Scholarly Writing in Health (C. Mullikin, J. Parker)

HCM.815-O Innovation & Entrepreneurship HC (J. Andree)

HCM.820-O Informatics & Data Analysis (D. Fogarty)

HCM.828-O Data Collection Analysis (M. Saber)

HCM.825-O Mnging & Del. Hlthcre (A. Williams)

HCM 842-O Medical Practice Management & Leadership (D. Warren)

HCM.845-O Informed Decision Making for Healthcare Executives (D. Curtis)

HCM.850-O/O2/O3 Healthcare Management Capstone (J. Ball)

HCM.868-O Ethics for Healthcare Leaders (C. O'Rourke)

HCM.874-O Strategic Fin Mgt & Account (J. Ryan)

HCM.880-O Patient Safety Risk Management (A. William; C. Mullikin)

HCM.884-O Epidemiology & Pop Health

HCM.892-O Health Policy, Law & Justice (C. Tanner)

HCM.899-O Intro to Action Research (J. Parker)

HCM.930 Applied Practice-Based Research Project I: Health-Related Research Methods (J. Parker)

Ebook Accessibility

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