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Course Reserves: Fall 2024-Summer 2025

Welcome! Here you will find course books that the Library was able to purchase as e-books or in print.

Announcements and Alerts

Please Note: On June 24th, 2024, the library transitioned to a new catalog system. On August 6th, we will also transition to a new version of MCPHS Smart Search.

Locate your course

Pharmacy has many subject areas and majors.  Select your course according to its three letter combination.

ANP - Applied Natural Products

DRA - Regulatory Affairs and Policy

MCR - Clinical Research

MSM - Medication Safety Management

PEP - Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

PHB - Pharmacy Boston

PPB - Pharmacy Practice Boston

PPW - Pharmacy Practice Worcester/Manchester

PSB - Pharmaceutical Science Boston

PSW - Pharmaceutical Science Worcester/Manchester

Ebook Accessibility

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