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Where is my textbook?
- The library has purchased online textbooks whenever they were available.
- We cannot purchase Kindle books or other e-books that are meant for personal use.
- If you don't see your textbook, you will have to obtain a print or an e-book copy either through the MCPHS Bookstore , through Amazon, or from other e-book retailers like or The Bookstore should be your first stop. They will try and obtain the best deal for you!
My course is not listed!
- Remind your professor to get in touch with the library. If there is something that we can add to the collection, we will do so!
I'm having technical troubles!
- You can report any problems with links or ask any questions about the books. We want to hear about problems!
- Send email to or
- Please use your MCPHS email account and we will get back to you with a solution!
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