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Course Reserves: Fall 2024-Summer 2025

Welcome! Here you will find course books that the Library was able to purchase as e-books or in print.

Announcements and Alerts

You will not be able to download whole eBooks from EBSCO Ebooks on Sunday, February 9th, from 2AM -5AM (Eastern). The vendor is doing maintenance. All other ways to access books on their platform should still work during the maintenance.

LIB.110-K,Q Intro to Acad. Read & Writing (A. Habershaw)

LIB.111-AE Academic Writing & Research (H. Casteel)

LIB.111-AG,G Expository Writing I (A. Habershaw)

LIB.112-AD,U Writing in the Humanities (A.D. Lewis)

LIB.112-M Writing in the Humanities (I. Todd)

LIB.120O-O/O2 Introduction to Psychology (S. Damiani; A. Clinard)

LIB 133.A Amer. Cult. Iden. & Pub. Life (M. Gardner)

LIB.133 A-G Introduction to the Social Sciences: Identity, Power and Society (

LIB.220-J Intro Intrprsnl Comm. in Hlth (S. Zoulas)

LIB 220-X Intro Intrprsnl Comm. in Hlth (W. Cole-French)

LIB.252-A Introduction to Speech (H. Casteel)

LIB.253 Fund. Oral Comm. in Healthcare (H. Casteel)

LIB.480-B Premed Health Studies Capstone (J. Hart)

LIB.480-E Premed Health Studies Capstone (S. Davis)

LIB.512-A/D Healthcare Ethics (J. Lavoie)

LIB.512-B Healthcare Ethics (K. Richman)

LIB.512-C Healthcare Ethics (D. Ho)

LIB.512-O Healthcare Ethics (B. Hopkins)

LIB 512.DPH Healthcare Ethics (J. Isaacson)

Ebook Accessibility

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