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Center for Teaching & Learning: Perspectives on Teaching & Learning

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Digital Literacy Frameworks and Your Students

by Reena Lederman Gerard on 2018-02-05T01:00:00-05:00 in Educational Technology | 0 Comments

What does it mean to be digitally literate?

According to the New Media Consortium's (NMC) recent report, "learners must be able to combine those skills with reflection, imagination, and awareness of their implications in order to perform a task or produce an object that would otherwise not be possible without the technology".  The NMC's newest research examines the current landscape of digital literacy frameworks to illuminate its multiple dimensions technical, psychological, and interpersonal around which students’ abilities to produce new content generates a sense of empowerment. If you are ready to up your digital literacy game, read the  2017 Digital Literacy Impact Study: An NMC Horizon Project Strategic Brief. Learn more through:

  • Infographics that make understanding the 11 frameworks easy to understand and explains the Three Models of Digital Literacy. See the examples below.
  • Exemplars such as Colgates' Digital Learning and Media Center, The Digital Fluencies Project at Penn, and University of Buffalo's new UB Curriculum Foundations that offer insight to a range of possibilities.
  • Voices from the Field in which scholars share short "thought pieces" on topics such as How Does Digital Literacy Change Pedagogy?

 Graphic of Three Models of Digital Literacy: Universal, Creative, and Across Disciplines

















 Framework for information literacy for higher education from the Association of College and Research Libraries

  Download the report (PDF)


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